Client Guides
Information required for
setting out a housing estate?
Client guide outlining the drawing and data requirements for the successful and optimum delivery of the ground works for residential developments.
Kemp Chartered Land & Engineering Surveyors work with many groundworks contractors throughout the South West. We along with our clients take great pride in the services that we offer. This guide is aimed at assisting developers and their consultants to understand what drawings and data is expected to be provided prior to groundwork construction commencing. It can also be employed by contractors to understand what formats and data to request from their clients.
Some of the information below is of course very familiar to those involved in residential developments. However, it is hoped that this document can be employed as a checklist and to assist the wider team, as well as those entering the industry, to understand why information is required and why when it is not received prior to construction, the efficiency of the construction, the setting out and hence the success of the development is compromised.
It may seem obvious, but it is worth mentioning, as we are about to start construction, we expect the drawings we are issued to be “For Construction”. Continue…
Ground Penetrating Radar. What can it do and when can we use it?
Ground Penetrating Radar FAQs
Ground Penetrating Radar is just one of the tools employed by our Seeka Utility Survey team. There are many myths about what it can or can’t do. The technology is constantly being updated along with many of the other instruments employed for utility surveying.
Our Seeka team were established in 2006 and are the original utility survey firm in the southwest and their surveyors are specialists, they only work on utility surveys and hence their experience and skill is second to none. Seeka have a number of GPR units, single and multi-array antennas and have been using them for over 15 years now.
In this video we have asked our utility survey manager Josh Lockyear to explain exactly what can be achieved with GPR and when and where it is most suitably employed .
Why Deformation Monitoring?-deformation monitoring explained-3D scanning-subsidence-levelling survey-client guide
Deformation Monitoring
One of the key services that we provide, and which is a specialism within our team is deformation monitoring.
This is when we measure how much something is moving and in what direction.
The systems and techniques we employ can range from simple crack monitors to fully automated remote systems. The requirement to monitor movement usually occurs when there is a risk to life, property, or infra-structure. The risk can occur as the result of construction, environmental or climatic changes, or general age and maintenance.
Holding Down Bolts-what are holding down bolts-steel frame building-site engineering-foundation bolts
Holding Down Bolts
This guide explains what is required to enable the fixing of holding down bolts.
Holding down bolts, also known as foundation bolts, structure anchor bolts and steel frame anchor bolts are used in the construction of steel framed buildings.
The steps to take for the preparation, during and after the concrete pour are covered, which should lead to a smooth, safe and problem free operation.
What are land surveys? Topographical Surveys explained-topo-land surveyor
Land Surveys
This guide covers the various factors that will determine what we need to know about a site before we begin a land survey. The information, photos and plans that a client can give us, will not only speed up the process, it will also enable us to provide a competitive quote.
Topographical Survey Help-mark up your own plan-Google Maps-surveying area
Mark Up Your Own Plan
Before we visit a site, it is very helpful to have a fairly detailed map of the precise area that requires surveying. An easy way to create this is by marking up your site on Google Maps.
In this video, we go through the process from A to Z.