Machine Control
Whilst this is new and emerging technology for many, our staff were first involved with this technology in 2002 when the M6 Toll Road was being constructed and where it was employed on excavators, graders and pavers. We therefore have many years of experience in producing MC models and are able to provide suitable outputs for the three main systems manufactured by Leica, Topcon and Trimble.
Whilst machine control can be one, two or three dimensional it is the 3d systems that are the future of this technology. MC of course has its origins in the major civil engineering world with bulk earthworks, but is now increasingly employed on smaller projects and is often found on residential and commercial building sites of all sizes.
We can provide models to enable the excavation of roads, footings/foundations, drains, retaining walls, attenuations ponds/tanks as well as the more traditional site wide cut/fill. Whilst we employ a rigorous QA system to ensure a standardisation in our models thus enabling drivers to switch machines we can also tailor our models to your requirements. If your internal systems require, we can provide interim audits on machine accuracy and as built checks on outputs. We employ a number of the leading survey software solutions which enables us to integrate with your own survey teams if necessary.
Of course, MC technology has its limitations, GPS coverage and accuracy being just one, and whilst in most cases it will provide a solution it is not always the case. Feel free to contact us with your requirements or to discuss a future project and we will be happy to assist. Our client guides also provide some further information about machine control.